Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Just How Long

How long shall we wait?
Wait for change
That is there
But never here

How long shall we dance?
Dance to poverty
That is never there
But always here

How long shall we sing?
Sing songs of change
That are never played there
But always on replay here

How long shall we feast?
Feast on empty platters
That are never empty there
But always without here

How long shall we cry?
Cry of tears of anger, brokeness and hurt
When there smiling face always prevail
While here blood always roll from our eyeballs

For how long shall we be like these?
Just how long?

By Mr T. Mandie

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Mercy I cry
Mercy I plead
Mercy I beg

Am I not your brother?
That you slaughter
My offspring like it's Christmas in July

Am I not your sister?
That my labour you sacrifice
As you murder my struggle
With machetes and guns

When you were in pain?
Wasn't I there to provide comfort?
Now I now a dog
And old horse
That you put to bed

Mercy I cry
Mercy I plead
Mercy I beg

By Mr T. Mandie