Friday, October 18, 2019

Senseless World Series

Welcome to a world with no liberty
Where education is toilet paper
For we nail degrees on wall
Though useless they became
As vending is the new king's way
For survival is all we after
For senseless is the world


Welcome to a generation cursed by its forefathers
Where life have become a misery pill to swallow
As corrupt became the inheritance they left us
For they killed our planet with their greedyness
That today global warming becomes the hymn that we singing
Hoping not to make the same mistakes they did
For they awarded us cyclones and drought to deal with
As they did this in the name of industrialization


Welcome to a nation where everyone is enemy
For they kill our brothers and sisters in the name of patriotism
A bullet they award to the outspoken
As we hide our pains behind the blood our ancestors
Hoping to be shielded from the nightmare
Though it never ends there
As they poison my peers to be one of them
For my voice and words they stole from me


Welcome to a house of pain
Where happiness is always visiting but never staying
For woes and stress are the dinner and breakfast served here
And the cost of living is always a nightmare to embrace
However, on a rare occasions
That rare animal comes to comfort us all for brief stint
As our mothers and fathers never here to give us counsel
But alone we have to go in the jungle to survive


Welcome to a community of fake smiles
For daggers and poison are always brewing
Ready to celebrate ones downfall
As ones victory is a curse to all
Plots of hatre are always in motion
Backed by snares of character assassination
While grapevine times are always printing
Happy to destroy what is built of sweat


Welcome to a kingdom of liars and murderers
Where you are served lies in gold covers
Murdered by diamond daggers
For wealth is never of value but your soul
As the grime reaper is your best friend after you
As nightmares is always availed in platinum platters
To deceive the eyes to the poison
As murder is what they reward


Welcome to a community of vipers
For venomous is our words
As we hiss in the knees of the unsuspecting
Coiling in dark corners ready to strike
As our bites is death
Cure is never insight
For we pleasure in the downfall of others
But we fled to the blame of the fire


Welcome to a continent of warlords
For we murder our own
In the name of power and wealth
As we indulge in the forbidden fruit
With hopes of being wiser
Though foolish we become to our actions
For we blink the future to our legacy
As we torture the future in its infantry


Welcome to a universe of the educated
Though fouls we stand in the midst
For we try to prove the mysteries we never made
That madman is what we have birthed to our death
As we litter the once glorious skies with junk
Trying to prove a point though wasting time
Hoping to pull a time heist without  the resources
That scattered we became to the universe

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