Friday, July 31, 2020


Would you blame me?
If I say I love you,
But I don't!
For I held a imagination of you
But you weren't here to give the love
As I pledge my heart to yours
But yours failed to reciprocate.

Would you blame me?
If I say I need you,
But not anymore!
For at the door of your heart is kept knocking for a long time
But you weren't here to open for me
Yet still I kept pursuing you in the depth of the ocean
Yet you left me drowning without  care.

So don't blame me,
As the ship sailed.
And my unrecanted negligence of the heart
Gave way
To freeing my soul from your vice.

Mr T Mandie
Twitter @hudrichent

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Ampaino Stings Bottled

Asked not to do this!
picking a fight with the past
ghosted out by the future.

Called a legend in their journals;
yet a drunkard
at the hand of depression bottles.

Pulled at the bottom of the bottle.
Trying "ampiano" to calm my nerves
but a Dinosaurs on the floor.

Lushed in regrets
was it the past? on a cruel one
or the present; on a case for the future?

Held on a curse of the forgetten
trumphets rolling grief on pulse
paused to believe on change
yet scarce to locate on goal.

Was it a score to life?
or VR having the last laugh on goals
played to be out; with burden over loading.

Loading to crush testimonies
as a legend is just a tale of brokenness
without life to repress.