Showing posts with label #WinterABC24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #WinterABC24. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Rhythmic Dust of Joy

Upon the sterling rhythmic dialect sway
The thundering drumming smoke
Lost in between chants & the ground scent
Rich in melodies of wisdom
Pulling feet to dent the sky
Imprinted upon Savannah nights
Highlighted upon the sweaty moon
Mind tatted.

Hips tarted
Body shamefully forgetting time
Driven astray by clouding dust
Settled in sobering sound
Traditions intoxicating with joy
We found ourselves in a fix
Cradle of creation cuddled
Discovered between the pitching notes.

"Chamatengeru" on an insanity play
While "Jikinya" warms up ready to insert "Jerusalema"
"Jiti" begging to whistle the night away
Enriched with body sway sweat
Into blooming gardens of hope
We were all entangled in the past
Mind lost in Haven passion possessed
Dicing a slice of heaven kissed by the moment.

Runaway Culture

Say a little to save face
Dashing into the realms of hopeless beginning
We chased the wind hoping to find feet
Reducted in words, spilled amidst savanna dreams
Rinsed off the past
Crowned of the new norms
A hand to ask.

Lost between the dotted lines of the screen
We found love at the peripheral time
Called for a response, out of respect
Undressed in seconds
Our ways blown in seconds
We became the ghost town of self-respect.

A dollar to pursue
We yoke kids from infancy
Watching time to reward the handwork of the old
Dangling flesh to be a call for salvation
Yet in reality,
What was to build Mansions
have become a conglomerate of hopeless reality.

Wedding words into meaningless utterances
As "I love you!"
Now stands as the base for persecution
Blood soaking culture
To deflower what raises us to be.
Stealing hearts at face value
we have become a generation of X's.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Rooted Fire


we used to tango, to the rhythm of the fire.

Staring at stars painting our tomorrow

engrossed in a tale to calm the dust

evident on our heals

Held high in morale class

pitched by the chuckling charcoal.

Grandma oozing a fountain of wisdom

veiled in a tell-a-tale contest

brushed over some days by a rabbit

while other days by a baboon

on a tortoise shell to grey

covered in shadows of truth.

Whispered in a cause for Ubuntu

Devoured in the hands of imagination

we engulfed all that the winds blew

Reflecting on all unspoken spoken treasure

Straight into dicing of our fabric

To stitch back together our morale regalia.

Chiseling out social decay

Grandpa reinforcing tales with forged personal revelations

Roasting time to wind down

into social relationship weaving

Uniting all to the roots that sprouted all the branches.

Held in "once upon a time!"

Before the end send heads spinning 

Decoding encrypted wording in haste

To refurbish personal norms

To stand the trail of a village

Upon the encoded expectations.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

What Will We Give for Tomorrow?

Photo by Anna Shvets

Rabbit Choices

We stand at the jaws of life
Ransacking on time,
which was robbed from us
seeking wisdom from empty shells
that were supposed to store treasure
logging grievances to the sky
while tucking our hands under our buttocks.

Knees scrapping at the alter of prophet's
Pleading for a profit
Out of our sweatless hands
Called to labor in thoughts
Inheriting dreams costing
that never grace reality.

However, if it does
We spend time bulling the ocean
Trying to swallow the missed past
At the hands of swollen feet
forgetting the looping wand
history tends to have upon events
Lingo coded as prosperity poverty.

Shackled to own mishaps
we curse the ground for pain
instead of taking a pen
& perusing the past for a lesson
To unlearn & learn barter trade
For us to trade poverty for prosperity.

Where we from...
Please can you spare some change for me to hold as an inheritance? Born into begging games, most of us find ours at the bottom of the bottle; never taught of money and savings as it is mostly deemed to be the root of all evil. However, growing up in poverty is never fun as everything you will get is always a struggle, meanwhile dancing paycheck to paycheck feels surreal. You are bound to do something drastic to your situation leading to regrets.

At this bottom, where we find ourselves we always seek to build an illusion of what we've managed to build for ourselves which usually leads us down a slippery road when we make it. Due to inadequate financial understanding, we tend to spend more than we should justifying our recklessness as a just cause.

This has been the story of days when we find ourselves investing more in liabilities over assets. I have personally seen it with my eyes, where someone starts to make money and their first school of thought is to buy flashy cars to show that they have made it. Yet, when the cost of maintaining them piles they begin to lose what was to be their kid's inheritance.

Some of us are so spoiled that we don't realize that our mission should be to work for the next generation. Because of this when we inherit something from our parents, we will mismanage it to the level that we go 10 steps backward instead of going forward. Thereby we leave no spare change, as a legacy for the next generation to inherit. 

Redress to Freedom.
It is high time our schools start teaching financial literacy to attain true freedom. Even parents should also start to learn about it so that they can educate their kids. This helps us to ensure we build a legacy for the next generation that is financially aware.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Picasso Code

Picture by Alteredsnap from Pexel

Pardon my rudeness as I interject with my perspective
Bombarded with thoughts that were meant to inspire a shift
Now a distant memory of what was once ideal
Contemplating the world of ones and zeros
Striving for perfection in mind and body
elusive of our true selves.

Not long ago, we used to paint skies and oceans
out of the raw desire
Now we impose our desires on screens
Painting a picture that falls short of representing us
Lacking empathy, lacking authenticity
And yet we call it our reality.

Born in the era of progress 
Trepidatious at the concept of a perfect rebel
we lead our spirits to an inevitable demise
Polishing reality to a faultless finish
failing to capture our essence
lost in the lens of reality.

Entangled in algorithms to capture our hearts
Engrossed in the traditions of the past
displayed on the canvases of our minds
Eroded by complacency, creating a culture of dependence
Yearning to be the pioneers of yesteryears in the present
Now recognized as a noble pursuit.

I long to resurrect our true selves
To experience the rawness of genuine emotion
Each imperfect moment striving for perfection
Before attempting to revive the obsolete to script this era.

Despite my admiration of how easily AI has enabled creativity to emerge. I also fear that we have lost the touch of capturing our imperfections that used to make creativity a worthwhile endeavor of self-expression. 

Friendship Cure

How do we begin to light the light?
when storms of life seem to be the perfect logic
birthed in times of reclusiveness
we curved paths far from sanity
glued at screens of delusion, that deem time useless
yet back then, the fire-forged tomorrow's union.

Now we dance at the tapestry of stress
longing, yet unaware
cursing Blue for ushering typhoons
to our inaction to mend bridges
trumped by the past Savannah rhythm
where mental health drowned at the log🪵 
cemented by true connections.

Cherry-picked from the crawling of time
standing firm to the principle of moments
grown to strengthen another to the cyclones of the universe
yoked to the action of hope
"one for all, all for us!"
drumming louder and louder
forever indebted to be the perfect sanity pill
to appeal to the mist of life
fire-forging tomorrow's union.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mocking Bird

Oh! dear child
I wish I could hold my mouth
when your tears decide to take a stroll
or stall your feet, so that you remain the same
shielded to the infancy of our mishaps.

Oh! dear child
I wish I could unburden the load
we abandoned you
Detached to the reality of the day
piping a flute of lies
birthing a nation of ignorance
jumping on the band of influence.

Oh! dear child
I wish we could learn to shut our ears
so that when the whirlwind of the world came beating at our feet
we could have worn the cape for you
but instead, we choose to be swallowed

Oh! dear child
our hands bled out of love
& we forgot to teach you the art of living
scarred with the desire for some more
we sailed oceans on blue
hoping Green to raise you up
nervous of the past ghosts, that took us up to adulthood.

For we were young and naive
when we decided to plant the Garden of Life
abandoning the principle of cultivation
only awaiting the mercy of the sky
to nature our harvest for us to feast.