Showing posts with label #crazenotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #crazenotions. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2022

Time Collide

 Coming in a full circle

The end has always been

Where it began

Having been created out of clay

Only to return to clay

Crawled to adulthood

Only to return to that phase.

History has always carried the sign

Hating to admit its truth

Stifled our growth 

As it always comes knocking

Yet, in an escapee fashion

Fleeing its presence

Hoping it will fade.

Hard knocking

The truth has always found itself tabled

Confronted by a tale better forgotten

It hammers out our soul

Reality holding vice to our lies

Til! We finally see

And binders are loosened.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Just Gone

I wish I could repaint these walls
That the stains left by love
Will be wiped out of my consciousness

Yet I keep them as reminder
Of the one that got away
Leaving me with an empty shell
Where the heart used to reside

Pruning the future we were to have
Pawning our love for bowl of meal
That trust went
Fleeing the scene with blood painted hands

Mr T Mandie