Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Bends of Night

 Photo by cottonbro studio

Brewed in the fusion of fairies and cupid strikes. He wrote his tale backward, scarred of a full moon. As the night he lost his tail was of such. Drunken in the ecstasy, whispered into a trance. Revenge-infused, she robbed his steps into the garden and sculpted him. 

She had a score to settle with him. It was his stare that made her lose her way. Although this wasn't a game or pick a pie and taste contest to her. Pulling skeletons out of the closet, she laid them bare. Dancing her delicate fingers over the spoils to pick one to crucify and marry to his woes.

Feeling special about being selected amongst the chaff, he stripped off his guard awaiting to consume her whole. Yet it was he who was to be swallowed with a hole within her. She took time teasing his soul into yearning some more for a deep dive to no way.

So she bought him a ticket there at the expense of freedom. And penned a note to heaven at midnight stroke, seeding him as a sacrifice of chance. Sent to pay for the past deeds of another, who took an axe and plunged a mark on her heart.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Photo by brenoanp:
              Photo by brenoanp

Before tonight

I take no vow of silence

Nor, do I pleasure in grief

Enticed by the forbidden offer

Seeking to persuade for just a bite

Into a heaven and earth regrets seal.

Looped in contention

Before disapproving skies

I scatter the will to stand

Plucking a beautiful rose

To warm my side in tears

Deflowering the innocence of birth

As calm breeze questions the act

Paint stained of guilt

Of tearing purity veil

Before tonight

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Valentine's Blocks

Photo by Asad Photo Maldives

For these and other lies
I plead the fifth 
Robbed out of time
To author my peace
Held in pieces
Where you, stole my soul.

But in front of the crowd
I wear an independent apron
Cooking my tale
Hoping never to step on my tail
As I serve a perfect tell
Astonishing those who know.

Without cause for honor
Biting paint in secret
Dancing naked on the canvas
Bleeding art in agony

Stealing glances at you
Hoping to heal at every sighting
Yet! Sinking deeper and deeper.

Calling the clock a fool
I cloak my thoughts
Beseeching a perfect veil
Tear my lies upon
And whip my unspoken declarations
Fixated on your hand to jump a broom
Into forever.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hush Baking

Photo by Anna Tarazevich


We broke bread in silence

Watching the door 

Hoping to usher in a fresh start

Yet in mind, we knew the truth at hand.

Rinsed out

We bequeathed our past to time

Stripping windows to the house we built

Hearts ransacked with desire

That evaded  the sun


So, we held our feet to the moon

Switching steps hoping to fall on top

Hearing our words escape the room

While we bite on the strawberry tapestry

Pasted on the baker's menu

For sale plastered.

Daring to move in the dark

Swallowed by both our pride

While whispering fear

To the grip of our rod

We marched homebound

Yet puzzled about where home is?


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Thorny Cherries 🍒


as I bag my tears ready to roll

stuck between a line that bleeds emotions in public

Having torn a fabric of joy

in a notion of not to care

yet with a stack of care.

she awakened her soul in torment

pulling piles of make-up

begging veil my heart

having painted thorns over it

& streamed a nail show.

she still had a vice over me

shuttered to speak clear

bad intentions infused

her voice still murders my joy

intoxicating my thoughts with a need to caress her.

Smitten Words Chorus

Photo by Daian Gan

Ensnared in painting hearts

emancipated to beg for more

cupid's arm-strong entrapped

Galloping feeling to hold steady

he was gone at first hello.

Taken for a ride in her gaze

words embox in the soul 

deeply felt in a speech impediment

Her presence struck through

wrecking a nerve

As his tongue stayed glued in his mouth.

Afraid of sunshine to endorse his heart

so, opted for the petal, to decipher his fate

Tearing the garden in unsatisfactory outcomes

He wished his luck to turn

But her beauty had him chasing for the hills.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Veins of Art

To those of us who splash words on paper
Who fears the stroke of the brush
As they paint what we hide & fear the most
Seeing the ink dry to cast a spell.

Before the world devours our soul
Vowed in syllables of fueling feelings construct
That keep chasing after our smiles
Yet with our tears, we paint art perfect.

So, we stand disallowed 
Scrubbing fear on canvas
Just to resale our grief
Molded into a rainbow bowtie
Excogitated to mean well.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Tell Me You Do!

In a daring move of falling! 
I blog my truth in all shades
Flirting with pain
Hoping to discard the timer
Though disbarred from standing tall.

I till the ground hoping to find a truce stand.
Yet the ground shrinks before my feet,
Jilted with a void to stump on.
I break my vow
& whisper my shame.

Background alluding to tears!
I water the garden hoping to pluck a flower,
Tearing parts of me in a nursery rhyme
Trumpets pulling Olympics on the shed
As my voice gets lost in the humming of birds.

Daring to snatch the last of me.
So, I wait at the shed of time
Hoping to see Solace's coat undone
& discover the last of me.
Not in shades of grief
But in the bliss of heaven's haven.

Saturday, June 15, 2024



So, the last time we danced,
We prayed for the shadows to veil our fate.
Lost between the binder's of fairies & cupid dices
Deemed the soulmate venality.

Where we were once one,
Thrown at the feet of time
Never shy to declare what was,
But wasn't for the moment.

Tied to the rubric chances
Burnt as a remission offering
At the ego alter.
Denying the truth that held the air.

We were meant to be,
Nested in the sunset warmth,
Cuddled in dawning cold.
Sung, somewhere in forever binders.
Strangely perused by strangers perish.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fairy's Bow

I hope these whispers in my head stop.
Rapidly crushing
She held my tongue in a vice
Pulling the strings to a cupid's bow 🏹
But her aim🎯 is far from my heart❤️.

Petal plucking played
She hears my voice in a dilemma
Calling and un-calling shots
Drunken on enchanting rum
She pours unceasingly.

Trouble tumbling thoughts
Charmed to the fairy's flute
My feet crush at her heels
Seeking to quench the blazing char
Plastered upon my throat.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Trance Shoes 👟 👟

I gotta a story for you
Hope you won't break
When the ink starts dripping from my fingers
As my thoughts collude with the moon
To bring the best
Out of the muse,
you've been in my diurnal reverie
Dashing into my soul into drey nesting
Held at infancy hello.

You drenched my soul
To forbidden fairytale sip
Dressing my thoughts
To a wedding buffet
Robbing my reason
To a chaotic collision
Drowning my light
In an ignition bid
From a snap of your embrace.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Delirium Bower

I gotta ask you
How do you do it?
As every time, you leave me hanging
Chasing a tale I fear to tell
Even when the ink has already told the tale
I cut myself to speak of it again
thoughts brindled with words unsaid.

Yet I...
I gotta ask again
How am I?
A shade upon your canvas
Left in a delirium cause of delight
Divided upon penning wisdom Devine
Right into corridors of fear correction
Sacred scared to pin divinity,
onto your written consent.

Where I...
I gotta ask you again
Why do you draw all my elements to shame?
shading tears hoping the rain to cover the pain
Yet heart reigned upon a pleading chase
Checkmated with fading pleasure chess
Guilt filtered with begging sorrow sorry's
Unhinged to your tongue bitter pleasures.

Where I...
I gotta ask again
Before the bower of guilt, consumes me whole again
Why do you..?
always have a hold on me
Choking the very existence,
of my innocent thoughts into debt.
polluting my mind into whispering all shades of dirt
Yet denying me, a chance to shade your canvas.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Stained Reflections

In the jaws of hell,
Sliding into oblivion,
Seeking salvation from empty pubs,
Bottles preaching blissful truth,
Yet in sad letters, we deliver our sermon.

Blurred by unknown elements,
Sipped in frowning tears,
We sought doors of happiness,
Rat-infested in winding courts of opinions,
Misstepping joyous creation,
Soaked in waning hope,
Memories haunting,
We fold to the idea of the sun.

Petals drenched,
We dug out our purpose in affection,
Dancing upon the sheets of unmerciful innocence,
Screams held by the heavens' curse,
Sin bound in unspoken fantasy.

Fading whelps shouting in corridors,
Panting truth shades imprinted on bed lamps,
Bloodstained in deeds of angels,
Fallen in marital bliss yearning.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


We knew our words never rhymed in love. But due to our stubbornness, we bought balance in arguments. Feeding lies to our soul as lust spelled love.

Playing with fire into trauma, we dressed our insecurities in weaponized words. Busy undressing blemishes on a guillotine nightstand. Where all our mispronounced words pollute the atmosphere with screams.

Scratching fantasies off our backs. Bloodshot eyes speaking of a universe, hard to paint in words. Drowned in anger flashed as passion evenly scaled.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Proposal

How do I speak of love
After this show 
Having been shown the exit before year-end 
Drowned in broken promise 
That has become the altar of persecution.

Left in a ring of I do's 
Pulling the petals to order 
Hope trumped with unsaid words 
Sad to even grace the lips 
Eying a distance call for reprieve.

Stepping in marinated worries 
Dancing upon racing thoughts 
"I...thought you were the one"
A broken record trailing the mind 
As I race to save my sanity 
Already ripped with your unsaid words.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Foolish Cycles

We live with the past in our head
Sticks plugged in, to miss silent whispers
Fear driving us to the wall
Just to conform to the movement of others.
Trusting the world
Yet unable to recreate it.

While calls to #HearHim sound
We chose solutions that crown us problems
Playing dumb, when reality stares in front.
Only to recall the armor of peace
When the storms already sink our hope
Taking a loan on salvation.

When we should have banked on it
Burying our debt when the cyclone seize
Only to remember it amid the cyclone eye
Where calm briefs, momentarily before hell returns.
And our minds are switched back to Him again.
While sticks get unplugged to listen
Before we quickly forget once again.

Unforgiving Nights

Let me draw a line in the sand
So it fades when the waves come
Speaking fast to the truth 
I hope to be a lie.

To whoever said it
Knew the oceans within 
Tracking salvation in a voyage of thoughts 
Entangled in un-humble cravings.

Buttoning up shame 
To cover up nakedness
Calling the bedstand to testify 
To the secrets of night shadows.

Sworn misdeeds 
To unholy gardens 
That misspell's the works of hands 
Blooded in silence.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Drunken Nights

Pardon the eye for its greediness.
For in shadows it felt the showers of joy 
busy undress its prey with the care of discovery 
Lost in bonny wonder, deep skinning itself in pleasure.

Twisted in craving persecution 
Sense throw to the dog to care 
The eye played the mind 
Lusting after forbidden kingdoms 
To crown the bone in desire.

Perusing a catalog of regrets 
Unashamed of the cards at hand 
As time entice in a dare 
Now or never again 
Ringing from the darkness of logic.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


 Fairytales do live in the mind

"So they say!"
But mine were
demons of unceasing demands
to fill the bed
inferiority egos.

Strangled by thirst
deemed forbidden
yet hooked to that

Called the flesh.

As I enjoyed all
its flavors
snoozing the death
alarm ringing
while my soul slips
further apart from me.

As nights covers
remains with all shades
Secretly a gentleman
Stained with
filthy-mess, that have filled my heart
Resulting in love,
ceasing to exist
Only to find its
reincarnation in Lust.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chasing Shadows

Light in the dark
Chasing after each others footsteps
Crippled by the blindness of the night
Shattering sounds of long distance  passer-by

Waking up at unholy hour
To take a cab at uneven life
Pearcing through the silence of calm
Disrupting happiness as known
Undertaken by the grave of the heart

Maybe it's just grey areas
Unchartered plains of life
Delusional hopes of tomorrow
As the soul wipes the soul
The heart strangles the heart
The flesh torment the flesh

As peace offering

By Mr T. Mandie | 0773444703 ©