Monday, July 10, 2023

Imperfect Loud Stands

The day we choose to speak, fate had another story to tell.
Dated by our feelings, that had us chasing our tail.
But this was more than a ghost tale
We only spoke about when nothing was there to tell.

So! In the quietness of time.
We had our placards held in hand
Marching out thoughts of hate
Out of misunderstood headquarters
Tamed to speak louder of the beliefs,
behind the word feminism.

Young to advocate for a breakdown of fame.
We scatter our feet on pavement thorns,
Hands bound on silent screams.
Bending the world out of touch with reality
Becoming the very monster,
We choose to lie to grapple with.
But this was just time for another illusion grandstand.

Friday, July 7, 2023


Clipping actions! Ms. Nobody felt time in absence, filtering in the cold night on a loop. Damaged reminisced reflections tricked her soul to unbundle her dignity. 

At the hand of a monster deemed family. She knew not the words to say but to ask for forgiveness from her past self. With no words to best describe the coldness of the twilight drama duct taped in the silence of the moon. Pounded with the vow of secrecy, as no one stood to believe her truth.

She had always been a rebellious child known for her candid antics. However, on this very occasion, it wasn't about the gags but innocent blood drips. Called to survivor in shame of having not but in need. Bedsheets rigged of the pledge-ful moans that were actually screaming for help.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Backward Love

Standing the rain 
My heart had it all in pleas 
Calling for a soul spare a tease 
Rumbling out, please 
Upon the cupid tangent line on a miss.

Mesmerized on begging tips 
Guilty for loving a miss 
As the words 
"Please forgive me!"
Monotonously sounded 
Yet looped.

Self-fighting for hereafter 
Yet left to shed blood tears 
While hiding in the rains
To cover scars of the heart 
Given, to ruthless thoughts of us 
Blown by the wind of time.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


We knew our words never rhymed in love. But due to our stubbornness, we bought balance in arguments. Feeding lies to our soul as lust spelled love.

Playing with fire into trauma, we dressed our insecurities in weaponized words. Busy undressing blemishes on a guillotine nightstand. Where all our mispronounced words pollute the atmosphere with screams.

Scratching fantasies off our backs. Bloodshot eyes speaking of a universe, hard to paint in words. Drowned in anger flashed as passion evenly scaled.

Monday, April 3, 2023


I get drawn to these dotted lines that cross my words out. Puzzling my thoughts as I try to sort out this maze of my heart.

Blended in waves of desires.  My words spill on the ground full of things to say, but afraid to let the street know.

Whispering through dark alleys, I stand aboard the land of giants. Tearing up a mountain to highlight at the peak the truth of my heart.

Unspoken of, but shown in actions of skipping heartbeats drumming the tempo hard. Like a suspense scene upon the script.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Dear Friends!

I've been painting these words pictures for long.
Holding vigil candles for you to see,
But my words you have called war.
Blinded to see what every line holds.

Fingers bleeding out emotions 
Only to dry on paper as art 
Lost in thoughts of what could be.
So! To plead my cause,
I choose to silently imprint my heart with shuttered glasses.

Smoked to veil my pain.
Rolling every motion in a blunt 
Unguarding their dash to print 
As they stand to break norms.
Vilifying my abstract mind 
That seems to see far more than what's allowed.

Unyielding friend.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Made To Be

There is a war of wolves 
Outside my villa 
Calling me a villain 
For chewing hearts of many 

Yet, at the beginning of it all 
My soul was their supper 
In innocence,
They took turns eating me alive.
Now they complain about my hunger 
Busy playing the lone hunter 
At night when the jungle is greener 
Attesting to their handwork 
That made me be.

Stinging every prey insight 
Strung at lampstands 
As the pleasure slaughter 