Saturday, August 15, 2020

Zero's Zoo

Get it to zero
Where life intersect happiness
Solitude becomes peace
Fleeting wars of one being.

Get it to zero
Where the future is a mirage
Today is a blessing of a dream
Fleeting the nightmare of the night.

Get it to zero
Where the mind fools the flesh
As it paints a void
Called to be in the head.

Get it to zero
Where roses seize to bloom
As bridges tell stories of lost hope
While the bulb flicks in their hands
Puffing away their dreams to heaven.

Get it to zero
Where hatred is a imagination
Envy is the Devils advocate
And dreams are a chance of unrealized hope.

Get it to zero
Where rivers stir the soul
Drunken in unbelief
Sipping to numb thoughts
As buckets rattle the heart
Grounded to despair
Fleeting fools ignorance.