Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fairy's Bow

I hope these whispers in my head stop.
Rapidly crushing
She held my tongue in a vice
Pulling the strings to a cupid's bow 🏹
But her aim🎯 is far from my heart❤️.

Petal plucking played
She hears my voice in a dilemma
Calling and un-calling shots
Drunken on enchanting rum
She pours unceasingly.

Trouble tumbling thoughts
Charmed to the fairy's flute
My feet crush at her heels
Seeking to quench the blazing char
Plastered upon my throat.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Trance Shoes 👟 👟

I gotta a story for you
Hope you won't break
When the ink starts dripping from my fingers
As my thoughts collude with the moon
To bring the best
Out of the muse,
you've been in my diurnal reverie
Dashing into my soul into drey nesting
Held at infancy hello.

You drenched my soul
To forbidden fairytale sip
Dressing my thoughts
To a wedding buffet
Robbing my reason
To a chaotic collision
Drowning my light
In an ignition bid
From a snap of your embrace.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Delirium Bower

I gotta ask you
How do you do it?
As every time, you leave me hanging
Chasing a tale I fear to tell
Even when the ink has already told the tale
I cut myself to speak of it again
thoughts brindled with words unsaid.

Yet I...
I gotta ask again
How am I?
A shade upon your canvas
Left in a delirium cause of delight
Divided upon penning wisdom Devine
Right into corridors of fear correction
Sacred scared to pin divinity,
onto your written consent.

Where I...
I gotta ask you again
Why do you draw all my elements to shame?
shading tears hoping the rain to cover the pain
Yet heart reigned upon a pleading chase
Checkmated with fading pleasure chess
Guilt filtered with begging sorrow sorry's
Unhinged to your tongue bitter pleasures.

Where I...
I gotta ask again
Before the bower of guilt, consumes me whole again
Why do you..?
always have a hold on me
Choking the very existence,
of my innocent thoughts into debt.
polluting my mind into whispering all shades of dirt
Yet denying me, a chance to shade your canvas.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Stained Reflections

In the jaws of hell,
Sliding into oblivion,
Seeking salvation from empty pubs,
Bottles preaching blissful truth,
Yet in sad letters, we deliver our sermon.

Blurred by unknown elements,
Sipped in frowning tears,
We sought doors of happiness,
Rat-infested in winding courts of opinions,
Misstepping joyous creation,
Soaked in waning hope,
Memories haunting,
We fold to the idea of the sun.

Petals drenched,
We dug out our purpose in affection,
Dancing upon the sheets of unmerciful innocence,
Screams held by the heavens' curse,
Sin bound in unspoken fantasy.

Fading whelps shouting in corridors,
Panting truth shades imprinted on bed lamps,
Bloodstained in deeds of angels,
Fallen in marital bliss yearning.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dusk ❤️

I like the art
They told
But time was against this
As I found myself torn
For love is all I heard
But head she was for another
Cause my art was her
Her free rebellious works were my inspiration

So I dived deep into a hole
Buried the passion that sparked my strokes
As I watch with a tearful eye
She should have been mine
And I would have surrendered my soul in a snap
No not like the movies describe
But like a 360 deal with a music label

Cause she deserved to be treated like Queen
But she felt I wasn't king enough
So she bolted with my heart
Leaving roaming this empty plains emotionless-ly
As I choose to lie to her
For her not to see the brokenness mess she left me in
Peeing my happiness down the channel
Hoping the river to be able to cleanse my loneliness.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Glass Cuts

Why do you drawn me to the sheets?
When you know perfectly clear
I am afraid of heights.
Calling me for a dance amidst a fight.
Tying up our souls to the sleeves of the bed,
Yet undressed with uncertainty locks.

So! Please do tell me.
Why do I feel like singing?
While heavens drew us split off Haven
Scratching the back of a camel.
Yet unhinged with thoughts of spears
Thrown to the deep end of reality

Heightened to puzzling questions...
Why's playing tricks,
to the bidding of fiesting fists
Punching the air to lost breath of time
Tied in strings of purple
Blue-blackened in passionate heaven kissing.

So! Please
Do to tell!
Why do you drawn me to the sheets?
When you know perfectly clear
I am afraid of heights.