Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thoughts Crickets

 Here we go again!

Waking up to crickets sounding
Hoping dawn not leave at dusk
Wrestling the mirrors draining my joy
As rowdy obstreperous thoughts
Griefs my flesh to remember
To remember the day scars became permanent
Desiring to forget
But here again.

Sounding reclusive doctrine
Just to survive another day
Watching the mirror show
The me,
I no longer know
Head bent to eclipse the scenes
Rolling through it
But lacking the main actor
As thoughts race to a bed of roses
Not the red that, depict life
But black
Here again.

Here again!
Visited by the monsters
Denouncing sleep
As rage builds to cover guilty yearnings
Their heads on a rusty platter
No! Not to see blood
But to hear them scream
The way they made me be
Just for a second to rewire my brains
So I can find peace and finally live.

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